Sunrise Rotary welcomes all who have a desire for community service, fun, fellowship and have an interest in growing friendships with other service-minded community members. We invite you to come join us and experience the camaraderie of Sunrise Rotary!
Sunrise When:
Friday mornings
7:30 - 8:30 am
LS Fire Fighters Union Hall
322 SE Douglas St.
Lee's Summit, MO 64063
(also via Zoom)
Want to Visit one of our meetings?
Contact: Cutter Gale
Club Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1576, Lee's Summit, MO 64063
Who We Are:
Lee's Summit Sunrise Rotary was chartered on March 26, 1999, has 43 members and has become the 'Little Club that Does' through our outreach to and impact on our community. Sunrise is strongly committed to the ideals of Rotary as depicted in our club vision statement: To Be A Vibrant Service Club That Is Engaged In The Community At Home And Abroad.
Sunrise Sunset Rotary has a reputation for local and international service.
Local Service:
Our Feed Lee's Summit (formerly Empty Bowls) fundraiser over the past 16 years has raised over $735,000, to assist local agencies who provide support to the food insecure. Feed Lee’s Summit has grown and from 2019-2023 the event has provided the four major food providers $569,000 to help fight food insecurity in our community.
Our Fly a Flag program raises $20,000 annually and funds various projects in the Lee's Summit community.
Sunrise raised over $100,000 to construct a Legacy Park playground for children with special needs.
Through the Adopt-a-Street program, the club takes responsibility for periodically cleaning up trash and debris on 3rd Street between Pryor Road and Forest Park Blvd.
International Service:
It has hosted multiple international delegations from Africa, Russia, France, Chile, Australia and the Dominican Republic, expanding our understanding of and appreciation for global medical, construction, education and legal systems. The club has also participated in school literacy programs for children in Central America and has built eight water purification plants at schools in Central Thailand.

Thanks goes out to HyVee and Eric Schroeder for allowing us to partner with them for this event.

Service Above Self, One Profits Most Who Serves Best
Lees Summit, MO 64063
United States of America